Listening to the ultimate messiah

Few days back one of my friends posted a video on my facebook page in which a person advertises his amazing disease healing skills. You can see a screen shot from the video on the right side. My friend posted this video thinking that I being a doctor am the most concerned person regarding the contents. Of course I am, but people living around healing facility of this gentleman are more concerned than me. And even more concerned, rather responsible are the authorities. I was practically shocked to see the video. A person who apparently can’t speak Urdu for more than few seconds, goes on to claim that he can treat any disease that a human being can come up with. Standing behind an advertisement board carrying all his medical credentials, he goes on to give a sermon about his magical abilities to cure. Without any clue regarding the contents of his treatment regimes, he proclaims to heal everything that brings worry to us. Health authorities and medical council of the country seems to se...