Cases have been reported in media and public where people have benefited from use of juice of papaya leaves. I came across such a story in The Express Tribune where a man has recounted his brush with the deadly virus and its consequences. I went on to search PubMed for any scientific evidence of his recount and found out that animal studies suggest the same for decrease in platelet count. This is an amazing therapy which should be widely circulated, shared and made public so that maximum number of people can benefit from this deadly disease. I tweeted to Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif as well. Hope the authorities take it into account and help people survive.
Other useful ways are, of course, trying to eliminate mosquitoes, their habitat, early report to hospitals in case of fever, bruising and malaise. Healthy people should actively donate blood so that platelets can be provided to the sick.
he blogger comme researcher did not provide any scientific reasons behind papaya juice, The informations were already known to society and the people has excavated the papaya plants, i mean to say that the plants have been vanished now and it is surprised to know that papaya fruit is 500 Rs per kilo and it is disappeared from the market.