When I started writing thesis.....

Writing a doctoral thesis, or to put it right, starting to write a scientific doctoral thesis is a difficult job. This is due to several factors. You have to focus, FOCUS on one thing continuously for days, and sometimes for weeks..... Every single line in the whole stuff should be connected from front and behind with its neighbors and so on and so forth.

And to focus becomes difficult when there are so many things happening around. Well, sometimes it seems as they have started to happen only when I started writing mine. I will quote few examples.

As I started to make a plan for writing one, Roger Federer started winning his Wimbledon matches. And he went on to win the Grand Slam, making history. All of it was so exciting that even if I wasn't watching it, I wouldn't have been able to concentrate. So I watched.... live tennis....

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

Then, during the same time, we had seminar of our team...... seminar attended....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then Roger Federer became world No 1..... reading news....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar.... 

Then Raja Pervez Ashraf became Pakistan's prime minister....... tv shows....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then Pakistan opened supply routes for NATO....... tv shows.....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

With every news happening, all tv channels start talking about that..... tv shows.....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then Pakistan cricket team started touring Sri Lanka...... live cricket....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then it started summer and summer shopping festival..... shopping....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then I received acceptance of my poster from New Orleans and now I have to start applying for visa to go to United States to attend the meeting...... dossier preparation....

And I skyped with my family..... Salaar....

Then I had friends from Marseille..... cooking and eating.....

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

Then came 14 July, the national festival of France..... fireworks......

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

After shopping I received email that next scholarship is delayed... financial crisis....

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

Then I started Ramadan is coming.... fasting... no coffee.....

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

Then I heard Aamir Liaqat is back on Geotv.... Ramadan special.... twitterati.....

And I skyped with my family...... Salaar....

Then I heard the breaking news....... That BIGBOSS fame Veena Malik is on HERO TV for Ramadan soecial..... And I saw her promo..... And thats it...... twitterati......

How on earth can one concentrate on thesis when all this is happening around..... All of this at the same time......

And I still can't help skype with my family...... Salaar....

Please please let me concentrate.... Let me concentrate.... TLRs, P2 family..... Depression.... Neuroinflammation.... Cytokines..... IL-1 beta...... pore formation..... I can't concentrate...... Let me write my thesis..... pleeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................


  1. Well, that was certainly a lot of distraction writing your thesis. I think it would be good have a time where you are disconnected from what are happenings on the world. That way, it would be easy to focus and concentrate on writing the thesis. Anyway, I hoped that all that distraction never made you lagged behind you thesis writing.


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