Judicial vs Political Activism
Criticism should be aimed at the political activism that is testing court's patience by flouting its orders. Pro-democracy institutions and personalities showing their dissatisfaction with the current proceedings must remember that the apex court has unchallengable authority to interpret the institution as well as to revisit any legislation passed by the parliment worldwide. The danger associated the inevitable judgement is not that democracy will be derailed. Rather, it will only bring a political change and will strengthen the rule of law in the country if it is follwed in letter and spirit. Government has to abide by the court's orders and interpretations given whatever the situation. And if someone is going to challenge that, it is him who is endangering the system and not court. The CJ has openly voiced his stance on Bangladesh model or army intervention. Let us now stand by the constitution and voice to bring an end to the political activism which is bringing real danger to the country's stability.
Let us make our voice heard and our concern noted about the potential dangers of defying court's orders by the politicians. As Thomas Paine put it, "It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government". We need to act before its too late.
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